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Website Lawyer Steven RinehartSteven Rinehart, Esq.

Licensed Virginia Attorney

Licensed Utah Attorney

Registered Patent Attorney


AttorneyK. Anderson, Esq.

Licensed New York Attorney

Licensed D.C. Attorney

Licensed Nevada Attorney

Licensed Colorado Attorney



Technical WriterAbed Dwad

Legal Researh and Assistance


* A History of Results

Our website attorneys can help you obtain ICANN Accreditation as a registrar with minimal inconvenience to you.  We handle all of the paperwork for $3,500 in attorney fees and give all clients a 100% money back guaranty (you must also pay filing fees to ICANN).  If we are unable to obtain ICANN accreditation for you, your money paid in attorney fees will be refunded in full.  We handle the accreditation process from start to end, needing only select documentation from each client.  We aim to provide all clients with cost-effective, competent and expeditious RESULTS- ORIENTED REPRESENTATION®.
  *  Guaranteed ICANN Approval (Money Back)  


Call: 888-941-9933